+65 9036 9917 (灵山寺)
Mei Ting Ng
Mei Ting Ng
Kai En Song
Kai En Song
We like 灵山寺 as it is a serene and dignified place for worshipping. The temple has simple, clean and comfortable layout and environment. Unlike some other temples, the columbarium is not at the basement of the building.
Tim Chai
Tim Chai
This Buddhist temple is built with air-conditional and spacious main hall. We decided to get the freehold columbarium niche and ancestral tablet before the completion of the construction. Thanks Ms Kehsin for giving the detailed information about this temple and services.
Daniel Wang
Daniel Wang
We stay near to Lin San Temple and we just bought a few sets of niches and ancestral tablets for pre-planning. We really happy as they are freehold with modern environment.
KK Leong
KK Leong
Lin San Temple is a comfortable Buddhist Temple for worship. The temple provides the freehold columbarium niches and ancestral tablets for departed to rest in peace.
Siew Mei Teng
Siew Mei Teng
Eileen Law
Eileen Law
Lin San Temple is a great place for final resting.
Mr Chua
Mr Chua
Steven Tay
Steven Tay
We just confirm the freehold columbarium niche in Lin San Temple.

Freehold Lease

Lin San Temple is a new Buddhist temple with a permanent land lease for columbarium niche and ancestral tablet.

Exquisite Feng Shui Design

Combining Feng Shui and modern design, beautifully designed and solemn columbarium.

Elegant Buddha Temple

Comfort, tranquility and elegance. A spacious and stately hall.

Flexible Payment Method

Lin San Temple advocates advance planning and provides loans with 0% interest.

Ideal Final Resting Place

The columbarium and ancestral tablets are located above the ground. The deceased receive prayers from Buddhist scriptures every day.

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